Excerpt from the introductory recording
“Our bodies carry information about our experiences in a different way from our minds. Our bodies' nervous systems, muscles, tissues, and cells hold wisdom about how we register and move through the world around us. Somatic practices enable us to tune into our bodies. There are many reasons why it matters to listen to our bodies. I'll highlight two reasons that are relevant within the context of the somatic practices in this audio series:
First, to get to know ourselves experientially, as embodied beings. We are more than our cognitive selves and somatic practices invite us to discover how life shows up within us, in our bodily responses, in a moment by moment way. Our bodies hold trustworthy information about how we interact with our environment in ways that are often out of reach to our conscious mind.
Second, our bodies hold a wealth of resources — such as joy, pleasure, dignity, strength, and many more — all of which we were born with and are part of an amazing evolutionary inheritance. Somatic practices enable us to access, bring forward, and nurture these resources within us.”